Lets Start Writing Our Stories!
World War Two was a climatic period for our families, who are members of the ‘greatest generation’ link . Our Operation WWII Chinese American GI webinar aired on 8/29th link focuses on those who have served in our armed forces. But genealogy is about family history, and everyone in our family has an important contribution to our passion as BACGG members.

Because of the 75th Anniversary celebration of the end of World War 2 on 9/2/2020, I have set up a page click for BACGG members to write something about our relatives who lived during that period. Contrary to the 8/29th webinar, I have expanded the remembrances, including not only those who have served in the armed forces, but also on the home front, in the industrial war effort, and those interred by the tragic decisions of our leaders.
Your remembrances can be elaborate like Ron’s site click on a 3rd party website, or they can be a simple paragraph(s) like Doug’s site click . For Leona and Susan, they formatted their stories as a PDF, exported to an image, and we imported Leona’s page click and Susan’s page click.
Members of BACGG, lets return to our roots. This is an opportunity to practice writing our family history and share your family’s stories to publish on our site. These remembrances will be permanent pages on BACGG website. Members will be able to access their page at any time to change or update. Membership has it privileges.
Next year Ron will pay tribute to our veterans in the Korean Conflict, and the year after to veterans of the Vietnam war. As you gather your family history, remember to collect information on relatives in those two conflicts.
Contact Doug email me or email bacgg.doug@gmail.com
My brother-in-law shared that his uncle was killed in action in WW2. It then dawned on me that most every remembrances were for veterans who survived the war. Those who were killed were usually young and did not have a chance to start their families; there were no immediate family to honor them. The war cut their lives short.
To most members of BACGG, our immediate family who participated in WW2 would have survived; hence we would not be here as baby boomers writing our stories.
It is therefore important to also share the stories of those who paid the ultimate price of these conflicts. There might be no one else to remember and honor them specifically. Merging Chinese family history and WW2, this emphasizes the importance of QingMing 清明 in Chinese heritage.
Hello Douglas,
Your point about those who died in the war and as a result, they tend to be forgotten is well-taken. I concur that it is a unique opportunity to acknowledge and remember them and to tell their stories.
Donald & Margaret Wong
An example of how our webinars segue into one another. Paul Wing Jew, the Chinese American ‘Fred Astaire’ and member of the Wing and Toy dancing duo, both whom are featured in the video of our Cocktail Lounge/Waiting Room, fought in the critical World War 2 Battle of the Bulge. Paul’s talent and athleticism is coupled with the fact that he is a local of the San Francisco Bay area.
From my other bro-in-law:
Best I can recall, I had one uncle who served in WWII. He was with the 522 Artillery Battalion of the 442 Infantry Regiment. As renowned and decorated as the 442nd was, I expected him to talk more about his experience. But whenever I asked he found a way to avoid it. After doing a little research and attending a film showing, I finally realized why he was so reticent. His unit was among the US troops that liberated Dachau. As much as I would have loved to have heard his story before he died, I fully understand and respect his way of dealing with the horror that he may have witnessed.