Operation:WWII Chinese American G.I.
Videos: “The Fog of War”, and “We Served with Pride”
Keynote: Montgomery Hom – Military Historian, Author, Filmmaker
Panelists: Major General William Chen, US Army, (ret). Connie Young Yu – author / historian. Montgomery Hom.
Listing of approved Chinese American World War II Congressional Gold Medal Recipients site Or you may also click the following link to view your relative’s name. https://www.caww2.org/cgm-recipients
Recommended Reading. It is impossible to answer every question submitted to our panel. But we tried to answer as many as we could in the presentation, panel, and in the article Major General William Chen graciously allowed BACGG to post summarizing the involvement and contributions of Chinese American Veterans in WWII. https://tinyurl.com/ChiAmWWIIVets
Chinese American G.I. This webinar is recognized by the Department of Defense, as a Commemorative Partner, as it celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII. The webinar is the kickoff for a September 26, 2020 online ceremony to honor, Chinese American WWII Vets. The keynote speaker is Montgomery Hom, the Executive Producer for the California WII Ceremony, an Emmy-nominated filmmaker, author, and military historian.
We are taking a different approach, to explore Chinese American WWII history. Yes, you will get all the obligatory dates and places. But we will look at the war, through the lens of the world’s largest private collection, of Chinese American, military memorabilia. For example, we show a pair of boots, with a medal beside it, and then tell the rest of the story … about the hero who filled these shoes. We will roll a film clip from, We Served with Pride, featuring 15 Chinese American WWII Vets, who served, with uncommon valor, as a common virtue.
If you want to get a rare glimpse, of the contributions of Chinese American Veterans. Or hear about women at war, and on the home front. Or just have a good time, don’t miss this session.
The Fog of War (Video)
“The Fog of War”, written and directed by Montgomery Hom and Will Lee. We start our webinar with the Fog of War to tell local San Francisco Bay Area stories of Chinese American Veterans serving in WWII. The lens of war for Chinese Americans in the Bay Area during WWII, was hard to see through the fog, as they had limited rights. As ‘paper son’ immigrants, their citizenship was under scrutiny. To navigate through this conundrum, they enlisted in the military, to show loyalty. To show they were Americans. To get respect.
This video provides a view of what it was like to be Chinese American in the 1930’s and 40’s.
About the Keynote Speaker – Montgomery Hom

Monty is an independent producer and a long time production and historical military subject matter specialist. Monty consults on many Hollywood film and TV productions. His work can be seen in the Academy Award nominated film,“Ford V. Ferrari”. His Emmy nominated PBS film, “We Served with Pride, Chinese American Experience in WWII”will be relaunched as a new re-mastered version for its 20th anniversary in 2021. As a young boy, hearing stories of an uncle who was a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne during the invasion of Normandy, kick-started his deep passion for researching and collecting artifacts, and data on Chinese Americans in WWII. Today, this collection is the largest, privately held grouping of its kind. His wife, is a long serving United States Naval officer was deployed in Northern Afghanistan.
About the Panelists
Major General William Chen, United States Army, (Ret)

Major General William S. Chen (retired), served as a career U.S. Army officer for over 32 years and retired as a Major General — the first Chinese American to wear 2-star rank in the U.S. Army. As a Major General, he commanded the U.S. Army Missile Command, and later served as the Army’s first Program Executive Officer for Missile Defense – directing all the Army’s missile defense programs. His father was a US Army Air Forces pilot in the 14th Air Force, under Gen. Claire Chennault, in the China Burma India theater. Bill was also a part of the team that helped gain passage of the Chinese American World War II Veterans Congressional Gold Medal Act.
Connie Young Yu

Connie Young Yu,. a 4th generation Californian, is an author, historian and board member emeritus of the Chinese Historical Society of America. She is the author of Chinatown San Jose, and co-editor of Voices from the Railroad: Stories by Descendants of Chinese Railroad Workers. She co-producered the exhibit “Called to Rise: Chinese Americans in CBI.”
Connie’s father, Col. John C. Young, served in China-Burma-India as a combat ordnance officer. During the Korean War, as Commander of Cathay Post American Legion, Young spearheaded the project for the
War Memorial at St. Mary’s Square in San Francisco, honoring Chinese American servicemen killed in WWI and WWII.
WWII Chinese American G.I. Project: For more information regarding the 75th Anniversary Commemoration of the ending of WWII ceremony, commemorative book, movie “We Served With Pride”, and virtual exhibit go to https://chsa.org/wwii-chinese-american-gi/
Thank you for your interest.
Ron Chan, Executive Director, Bay Area Chinese Genealogy Group https://bacgg.org
David Yick, Board President, Chinese Historical and Cultural Project http://chcp.org/
Pam Wong, Interim Executive Director, Chinese Historical Society of America https://chsa.org/
75th Anniversary of the End of WWII Weekend Events To Watch & Recap
For those in our family of Chinese American WWII Veterans, families, supporters, and friends who may have missed viewing of the 75th World War II Commemoration Ceremony on Wednesday, September 2, at Pearl Harbor, we have supplied to link to the event below. Also, a salute for a job well done to one of our Congressional Gold Medal Committee Members, Major General Darryll Wong (USAF (Ret), who served as Co-Chair of the 75th WWII Commemoration Committee.
For those in our WWII family of Chinese American Veterans, we have neither lost sight of nor are we discouraged by the postponement of the day that the Congressional Gold Medal will be presented to you. It was particularly uplifting to watch the ceremony at Pearl Harbor and acknowledge that the end of World War II on September 2, 1945 meant that thousands of our servicemembers would immediately recognize that September 3, 1945 would be a new day, a new chapter. Each day brought them closer to a new experience to readjust, adapt, learn, grow, and ultimately to teach those who are the descendants what they did to be named “America’s Greatest Generation.”
The war and its end galvanized the life experiences of a large majority of those who served in the Pacific theatre and the families who lived or would eventually live in America post-war. Maybe it is meant to be that we should learn about these events of WWII through the eyes, words, and actions from the commemoration ceremonies. When you reach the end of Pearl Harbor ceremony, watch the fireworks display donated by the city of Nagaoka and the significance of the three white chrysanthemum-shaped fireworks that were launched. The first was in honor of the greatest generation; those who served who brought peace to the world through their service and sacrifice. The second was in honor of those who gave their last full measure of service, who gave their lives to secure the peace that we enjoy today. And the third, the hope for continued peace in the world and for the future of our children and our children’s children so they may enjoy the blessings of peace and freedom.
CACA Boston Lodge
C.A.C.A. Boston Lodge is hosting a function on Sunday, Sept. 6, 3 p.m. ET at the Boston Chinatown Gateway to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII and to recognize and honor our CAWW2 Veterans. Because of COVID, attendance is restricted to 25 persons in a cordoned-off area. Guest speakers include: Boston Commissioner for Veterans Services; State representative for Boston Chinatown; two next-of-kin who will speak about their veteran fathers; and Maj. Gen. Bill Chen, U.S. Army retired. Living veteran Seaman 1st Class Tony T.D. Moy will be honored. He witnessed the execution of the Instrument of Surrender 75 years ago on the USS Vicksburg, nearby to the USS Missouri.
From WWII Chinese American GI Program
75th Anniversary of the End of WWII – San Francisco
September 26, 1PM PST, link to come.
There will be a live California Commemorative Honor Ceremony to recognize our World War II Chinese American Veterans for the 75th anniversary of the ending of World War II. This will be a YouTube streaming event at 1PM Pacific, link coming soon.
Speakers include dignitaries Gov Gavin Newsom, U.S. Congress Representatives, Ted Lieu and Judy Chu; General James Mcconville, Chief of Staff United States Army; Major General Garret Yee – United States Army; and more. We will feature WWII Chinese American Veteran video statements from all over the Golden State.
There will also be the premiere of the Congressional Gold medal film, “We Served with Pride”, directed by Montgomery Hom and Preston Yeung.
Additional details to come as the event gets closer!
If you enjoyed this program, make sure to register for the September 26, 2020, 1- 2PM ceremony to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII as we honor our Chinese American Veterans. https://bacgg.org/index.php/2020/09/15/75th-anniversary-wwii-chinese-american-g-i-honor-event/
Thank you for honoring our Veterans and preserving the bistory of the Chinese Americans who fought and serve to inspire the next generation of service members.
Thank you Ron for all information on the WWII veterans passed and living. My father served in Philippines.
Hi Sally,
My dad also served in the Philippines. I have two photos in which we are unable to identify the people. Please contact me.
Thank you.
Lester Gong Dun
(510) 527-6233
Hi Lester and Sally,
I hope you were able to converge and identify the G.I.’s.
There were 16 million men and women who served in WWII, so identifying an individual person may be a little tough, especially if the picture is small and poor resolution. However. if you can discern the patch or insignia to identify the unit, we can narrow it from there so you can at least research at the regiment level. Sometimes there is a “yearbook / group photo” of sorts that is made that you might be able to luck out and find detailed information on individuals. I would check Fold 3. this is the closest you will come to an online military search tool that I know of.