Click to register for In-Person and Zoom: https://forms.gle/4pSensSzyiNHrwdG9
The highest influx of Chinese G.I. War Brides in American history
transformed our Community from a Bachelor Society to a Baby Boomer Era
How Our Moms Entered the United States under 1945 War Brides Act
In-Person or Zoom Presentation
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 08, 2023, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
1st floor at 4766 Lincoln Avenue, Oakland, Ca
Our Chinese WWII G.I. War Brides lived through extraordinarily difficult times during the Asiatic War, 1937-1945, the forgotten war in the West. They showed strength of character and perseverance to survive the War and the economic and political upheaval in China.
Learn how our G.I. War Brides entered the United States under the 1945 War Brides Act. Despite its significance to admit Chinese wives on a non-quota basis, they faced enormous hurdles to qualify.
BACGG members, Leona Lau with Lester Dun, Evelyn Seto, and Jeannie Young will share their personal and historical stories of their moms. With hope and courage, our moms immigrated to America with new husbands, or to be reunited with a husband separated by the war.
Coping with a language barrier, they became United States citizens, supported families back in China, while raising their own families, and helped others find their way to becoming Americans.
Our Moms’ stories should be written and preserved for our future generations.
BACGG Committee